Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday: Daily Reading

Today's Reading: 
Luke 24:13-53

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holy Saturday: Daily Reading

Today's Reading:
Luke 24:1-12

Easter Worship Schedule
6:30am, 8:00am, 9:00am, 11:30am

Five Hospitality Tips for Easter Sunday

  1. Invite people!
    Invite your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors.  Many people do not have a church home where they celebrate Easter.  Invite them to make St. John’s their home! 
  2. Come to the 8 am or 11:30 am service. 
    Last year the 9:30 am service was so crowded that people actually turned away rather than coming to worship. We never want that to happen again, so we are asking anyone who comes to St. John’s on a regular basis to come to the 8 am or 11:30 am services.  Every service is the same, so give up your “regular” seat for one Sunday so that someone new might come to hear the good news that Christ is Risen!
  3. Park in the Parking Garage.  Save the street parking and the parking lot for those with mobility issues, and park in the parking garage (K Street & 18th).  Don’t know where it is? Ask!  We are happy to show you!
  4. Scootch together.  
    We will need to get a little friendlier on Easter Sunday so that everyone can have a seat, so scootch together!
  5. Smile and Greet Your Neighbor. 
    You never know – that person sharing your pew may be a long-time member of St. John’s or a first-time visitor. Welcome them to worship regardless and make sure they go home knowing what a loving home St. John’s Lutheran Church can be.
Remember, you were once welcomed into St. John’s whether you were three months, three years, or three decades old at the time.  Join us in making St. John’s a welcoming church home for our visitors this Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday: Daily Reading

Today's Reading: 
Luke 23:26-56

Good Friday Worship
Join us tonight at 7pm in the Sanctuary for our Good Friday worship service as we remember Jesus' last days and his death, waiting with great anticipation for Sunday morning to arrive.

Holy Saturday Meal for the Homeless
Tomorrow morning preparations will begin for the Holy Saturday lasagna meal for the homeless that will be served at 12noon.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maundy Thursday: Daily Reading

Today's Reading:
Luke 23:13-25

Maundy Thursday Service & First Communion
Join us tonight at 7pm in the Sanctuary for our Maundy Thursday service when we remember Jesus' last meal with his disciples. Tonight twelve young people will be taking their first communion.