- Have you ever received a “surprise” phone call? Who was on the other end?
- What was surprising about the call?
- Was the surprise good news or bad news?
The stories of the annuciation of John (1:5-25) and annuciation of Jesus 1:26-38) are remarkable in their parallel construction. The angel Gabriel is at the center of both.
Both Zechariah and Mary are both troubled by the announcement. A sign is given for both (“you will be siLent” “The Holy Spirit will come upon you”). Yet, at the heart of both is a measure of pure joy... the miraculous birth of an unexpected child.
- Gabriel appeared to both Zechariah and to Mary. What is the significance of the angel appearing to Zechariah in the Temple?
- Gabriel speaks of the fulfillment of Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s prayers. Was his response to answered prayers what you would expect? How might you respond to being told your prayers were answered?
- Both Mary and Zechariah’s initial reaction is “How?” Yet, Zechariah is upbraided for his unbelief and Mary praised for her belief. What do you make of that?
- What Good News is God seeking to share with you right now?
- How are you responding and reacting to that Good News? What are your barriers and what are your helps?
- Since “for God nothing is impossible” what will that mean for you this week in your life?