Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Luke 1:57-80

Zachariah, John the Baptist’s father, is filled with the Holy Spirit and delivers a powerful speech at the naming of his son, proclaiming that he will “give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” His words are not just for his son, though. John the Baptist’s job is also our own. We are called to invite, to share the news that Jesus brings us. And in these last days before Christmas, we encourage you to take time to do that. Invite someone you know to worship with your family on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Bring them to St. John’s and share with them the joy of Christmas. John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness, and sometimes as Christians we feel alone, too. But you are never alone. And in these days of gifts and giving, isn’t the gift of Christ and the community of a church one of the greatest gifts you can share? Take a minute and think: who around you may be lonely this Christmas? Invite them to join you as we come together to celebrate Christ’s birth.


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